
It's all about the Food!

I have always thought I could outrun my food choices. I'm learning the hard truth about calories. They don't add up with the ones you burn busting your butt on the treadmill.  Not even close. How unfair is it that I can work out for an hour and not even burn off one chocolate covered goo filled Donut. Here's where we get to the reason weight loss is about 80% what you eat!  According to My Fitness Pal (MFP) a Boston Cream Donut from Dunkin is 300 Calories   I know I have eaten 2 of these in one sitting before. That's 600 calories, so my 300 calorie "butt busting" workout isn't going to make a dent in even half of my splurge.  But if I had abstained from the indulgent donuts from Dunkin, and opted for a 200 calorie egg white scramble with spices and spinach, I would have a 100 calorie deficit in my daily calorie count. Food makes all the difference! But the way I have related to food in the past is like that of a RomCom love scene. (I'm j


SUGAR!!! If there is one thing I have learned on this journey to health-it is this: SUGAR IS MY ENEMY.  This last, lets call it a derailment, started with the end of my 21 day sugar challenge. I felt so good while I was eliminating from my diet. I had more energy, less cravings and a better mood. But it can be addicting. for someone like me who is a serious comfort eater it may not take that much to get back into that downward spiral of guilt. Maybe just one (insert favorite junk food here) binge and the guilt alone could send me back for more to squash those bad feelings. listening to my body after eating, I've found that a meal high in carbohydrates will always cause cravings for more carbohydrates of any variety. From candy to baked goods-anything that my body will immediately break down into sugars. I can have a hamburger on a bun and it will trigger a need for chocolate. How am I ever supposed to succeed if I'm creating my own food hurdles. So I've spent the l

This is the story of my life! Yo-yo weight loss

Have you ever lost 30 lbs and then become so proud that you thought  I can treat myself, I just lost 30 lbs!   Or overeaten during meals because you worked out that day?  I fell into both of these traps over the last 8 weeks! Only my one treat turned into a daily habit. I effectively fell off the wagon and haven't been blogging from sheer embarrassment.  This is the story of my life! Yo-yo weight loss. Though, I think what I'm learning this time is that the earlier I own up to my fitness face-plant, the sooner I can jump back into the fast lane. Even if I'm not running at full speed all the time, just being on the track is going to help me make better choices. Staying connected with those who help me stay accountable to myself, being aware of what I'm putting into my body and paying attention to what I'm feeling when I think I'm hungry.  If I can face that my main struggle is to learn how to have control when it comes to temptation,  then maybe I can com

Let's get Physical...Physical!

I have now reached week 6 of the 16 week Prevent program.This is the phase that begins to include activity. My Prevent coach has inspired me to make a detailed plan of attack to get moving. Apparently (as if I don't know this all too well)  it's too easy to make excuses if you make a tentative plan to put the petal to the metal. I could make excuses all day in fact. "My kids didn't sleep well last night" (that's a good one cause I have a baby, so I really am up 3 times a night). "My schedule is too full"-with doctors appointments for the kids, sitters, gymnastics, meal planning, grocery shopping and so on. I was challenged to think of where I could realistically add a short workout. My answer-3 days a week after work (Park and Stroller days) and 3 days a week at 6 am (just me, my squishy blue mat, and 3 extremely fit girls bopping around on my TV screen). When I hear Jazzercise this is still the image I get.  Wait, did I just say 6 am? As in

21 DSD (Day Sugar Detox) This is no Joke!

My Prevent Coach suggested a 21 Day Sugar Detox. At first I thought-no problem. I can just stop eating sweets and add honey to my tea. Then I read the details of the challenge. They were much more involved than just cutting the candy! Here is a list of things I can't eat for 21 days: Any Artificial Sweeteners Sugars derived from natural sources (Honey, Stevia, Beet Sugar, Cane Sugar) Sugar additives in foods like whole grain bread, Spaghetti Sauce and just about every other processed food) Here is a link with the expanded list Basically this rules out all sweet tastes except for fruit and some sweet veggies like yams and carrots. Here are some notes I jotted down from my first and hardest days of the Sugar Detox: 4/15/15-Day 1 of 21 Day Sugar Detox- Went straight for my coffee this morning and poured it and then remembered I can’t have sugar. So I poured it out

Hayley's Power Cookies

Hayley’s Power Cookies 1/2 cup mashed banana 3/4 cup natural peanut butter 1/2 cup honey   1 tsp vanilla 1 1/4 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup all-purpose flour   (may use whole wheat) 1 tsp ground cinnamon & a couple dashes of allspice 1/4 tsp baking soda 1   handful  of raisins I also added a handful of flax seeds , chia seeds , sliced almonds and dried cranberries .(The great thing about this cookie is that you can almost add any of your favorites to it! you could try yogurt chips or walnuts or dark chocolate for some more sweet). Preheat oven to 350ยบ.  Line   baking sheets with parchment paper or a silicone mat   (or coat   with cooking spray)   and set aside. Place the mashed banana, peanut butter, honey and vanilla in a large bowl and whisk to combine. Also add to this bowl the raisins, cranberries, both kinds of seeds and almonds.  In another bowl whisk together the   oats, flour, cinnamon and baking soda.  G ently stir the dry ingredients into the pean

Even Food Needs a Makeover Every So Often

I Love food. Yes that is Love with a capital "L". Something wonderful that I'm learning on my journey so far is that you can still Love food and eat right. I'm learning to enjoy new things about food. Finding I'm open to trying things I've never tasted before or even cooked with before. I like the adventurous aspect of NEW! Here are some things I've tried in the last 2 weeks that are new to me: Lots of Green stuff! This is Stir Fry. I swapped the white mushrooms out for Baby portobellos and the butter for Coconut and Sesame oils. I added Flax and Sesame seeds and I used more spices than salt.  This is what I'm calling Hayley's Power Cookies (I'll post the Recipe). They are made with mashed banana not Egg and All natural peanut butter and honey instead of oil and sugar. You an pack them full of what ever super foods you love. I chose Flax and Chia seeds, dried cranberries and raisins and almost slices. These are sweet, filling